COVID-19 No. 19: Resolving Not to Resolve Anything

AS AN INVETERATE, NEAR-OBSESSIVE list maker, I have long indulged in drafting New Year’s resolutions.

I will write 500 words a day.

I will read 30 books this year.

I will walk two miles every day.

I will lose 15 pounds.

And on and on and on.

This year, though, I am on board with the many people advising against making resolutions. They argue, rightfully, I believe, that the incalculable stress of the last nine months makes this the worst time to set any personal goals more ambitious than merely making it through the day. Why add to our constant anxiety by lading ourselves with the added burden of the American obsession with self-improvement?

Instead, I am entering 2021 not with targets and metrics but with the simple intention of increasing my well being. I know the things that make me happy, and I know that doing them more will make me a healthier, more fulfilled person. And so that is what I intend to do.

If you already have your list of resolutions drawn up, and the habit tracker app downloaded, and your spreadsheet created to mark your progress, hey, have it. Me, I’m gonna cut myself some slack. This is one list I’m happy to stick in my back pocket for once. | DL